In the early days of the net , designing pages the easy way was not easy. Creating web pages was a complex and complicated process that was almost entirely handled by IT departments. None of the drag and drop stuff you can quickly slap together today. In fact, computer scientist Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee designed the first-ever website at the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN). Berners-Lee, the brian behind the world wide web, also created HTML and used the language to code the CERN site.

Designing pages the easy way -The first website

First website created, August 6th, 1991

As the number of websites increased and the concept of web design evolved, HTML and later Javascript, sitemap design and also Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) became integral to designing websites. The evolution of web design and development continued through the late nineties. This thus led to the launch of prominent sites like Google, Amazon and PayPal.

The early 2000s saw a surge in popularity for blogging, and as the need for good content management systems (CMS) increased, a product that would eventually change the web design game completely was born.

Designing pages the easy way- First version of WordPress

Early WordPress software, 2005

WordPress launched as an open-source blogging platform in 2003 and grew to become the most popular CMS in the world – we’re talking nearly 40% of all websites using it according to Search Engine Journal – and includes and

There are also website platforms such as Squarespace and Wix that help make designing websites even easier, especially for beginners.

These options give anyone the ability to design a website from scratch, tailoring it and optimizing it to suit their needs, whether it’s for business, personal or e-commerce.
At famitechsolutions, we help you in Designing pages the easy way.

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